2 DJs 1 Mic at DJX 2024

It’s official! 2 DJs 1 Mic made its exhilarating debut at DJX 2024, and we’re here to tell you all about the energy, the excitement, and the unforgettable experiences that unfolded during this monumental event. This year, DJX turned up the volume like never before, and we were right in the mix, broadcasting live and capturing every electrifying moment. This was our first time taking the show to DJX, and boy, did it deliver in ways we could only dream of.

DJX 2024: A First for 2 DJs 1 Mic

While this marked DJ Mike’s first attendance at DJX, it was DJ Jay P’s second round, though this was the first time our dynamic duo brought the podcast to the show. The anticipation was palpable; we were stepping into a world-renowned event, known for gathering the best and brightest in the DJ industry, and we couldn’t wait to see how our podcast would resonate with this passionate community.

nXt DJ Summer Camp: Shaping the Future of DJing

One of the highlights of DJX 2024 was the return of the nXt DJ Summer Camp, a brilliant initiative introduced last year at DJX 2023. This program, led by the inspiring DJ Hapa, focuses on empowering the next generation of DJs by honing their life skills alongside their DJ skills. The camp builds confidence, leadership, and teamwork among its students, all essential qualities for anyone aspiring to succeed in this industry.

The camp’s instructors aren’t just any DJs; they’re high-profile, seasoned professionals with proven teaching experience. We had the privilege of sitting in on some of the classes, and what we witnessed was nothing short of inspiring. The dedication of these young, aspiring DJs was evident in every beat they mixed, every transition they nailed, and every innovative idea they brought to the table. Watching them grow, not just as DJs but as individuals, was a truly rewarding experience.

Kudos to DJ Hapa and his amazing team for dedicating their time and energy to shaping the future of our industry. They’re not just teaching DJ skills; they’re teaching life skills that these young talents will carry with them into every aspect of their lives.

Insightful Seminars: Learning from the Best

DJX 2024 wasn’t just about the music and the parties—it was also about learning and growing. The seminars we attended were incredibly impactful, each offering unique insights into different aspects of the DJ profession.

One standout session was Mike Walter’s seminar, You… Amplified. Mike, from Elite Entertainment in Tinton Falls, N.J., took us on a journey of mastering the art of MCing. He showed us how to elevate wedding party introductions and engage with audiences in ways that truly resonate. His techniques were tried and true, yet innovative, offering us fresh perspectives on how to refine our presentation and connect with our audiences on a deeper level.

Another seminar that left a lasting impression was Level Up: Champion Strategies to Dominate Social-Media Marketing with DJ Cova, Cleveland Terry, and DJ Rachel Lynch. These industry titans didn’t just talk the talk—they walked the walk, sharing real-life scenarios and strategies that have driven their success. The level of engagement in this seminar was off the charts, with attendees eager to share their own experiences and learn from each other. The exchange of ideas was empowering, leaving everyone in the room with a renewed sense of purpose and direction in their social media endeavors.

Disco Fries and Laidback Luke’s Keynote: Stories that Inspire

One of the most anticipated sessions at DJX 2024 was the keynote featuring Disco Fries and Laidback Luke. Their stories of perseverance, innovation, and success resonated deeply with everyone in the room. As they shared their journeys, the audience was captivated, hanging on every word. Their industry hacks and insights were pure gold, providing valuable takeaways that we could all apply to our careers.

We have to give a special shout-out to Jim Tremayne, who did a fantastic job as the host. His questions were spot-on, and thought-provoking, and he knew exactly how to steer the conversation in ways that brought out the best from these three legends. Great job, Jim, and thanks for letting us be a part of these incredible sessions.

Night Life Events: Where the Magic Happens

When the sunset, DJX 2024 transformed into a vibrant playground for DJs, industry professionals, and music lovers alike. The nightlife events were nothing short of spectacular, with each night offering a new opportunity to witness some of the best DJs in the world do what they do best—ignite the dance floor.

The parties were a massive highlight of the event. Each DJ brought their A-game, showcasing their unique styles and talents, and keeping the energy levels high. We have to give a huge shout-out to the vendors who sponsored these parties. You guys rock! Your support made these nights unforgettable, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to experience such incredible music in such an electrifying atmosphere.

The Last Night Party was an absolute blast, with Big Daddy leading the charge. Mell Starr and his crew, Scram Jones, DJ Spinna, and Natasha Diggs, delivered unforgettable performances. Natasha Diggs, in particular, had everyone talking with her version of What A Fool Believes by Aretha Franklin. We’re certain that a lot of DJs will be adding that one to their rotation. To all the DJs who performed—thank you for entertaining us and keeping the culture alive. You guys are awesome, and we salute you for your dedication and passion.

The Showroom Floor: A DJ’s Paradise

One of the most jaw-dropping aspects of DJX 2024 was the Showroom Floor. If you’ve never experienced it, imagine a massive space filled with the latest and greatest in DJ technology, equipment, and gear. The vendors went all out, creating booths that were not only visually stunning but also packed with innovative products designed to take any DJ’s setup to the next level.

The energy on the Showroom Floor was contagious. From the moment the doors opened, there was a buzz in the air as DJs from all over flocked to the 60-plus vendor booths. The anticipation was palpable, and as we walked through the aisles, we could see why. The products on display were cutting-edge, and the deals being offered were too good to pass up.

It’s hard to capture the excitement of the Showroom Floor in words, but if you’ve ever been there, you know what we’re talking about. The camaraderie among DJs, the shared passion for music and technology, and the sheer joy of discovering new tools and toys for our craft—it’s an experience like no other. A big shout-out to all the vendors for your hard work and dedication. You made the Showroom Floor a highlight of DJX 2024, and we can’t thank you enough for that.

Special Thanks to Our Partners

We want to take a moment to give a special shout-out to Marco Araujo and the team at Electro-Voice (EV). Your partnership with 2 DJs 1 Mic means the world to us, and we’re beyond grateful for your support. You and your team are the real deal, and we’re proud to be associated with such a top-notch brand.

We also want to thank some of our other incredible partners: Curator Live (James Trivlis), NLFX Professional (Ben Stowe), Top Light DJ (Rey Borja), Ultimate Ears (Tony Baraz), and Esstart (CP). Your support has been invaluable, and we look forward to continuing to work together to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the DJ industry.

A Special Thanks to Our Producer, A-Roc

We cannot conclude without extending our deepest gratitude to our producer, A-Roc of A-Roc Entertainment. A-Roc, your relentless dedication to keeping our show in order, your unyielding support, and your passion for excellence have been instrumental in our journey. You’ve been with us through every twist and turn, fighting alongside us in our quest to leave the industry better than we found it. Your commitment to our vision is unparalleled, and we’re incredibly fortunate to have you on our team. Thank you for everything you do—you are truly the backbone of 2 DJs 1 Mic.

Gratitude for the DJX Team

Last but certainly not least, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the entire DJX team—Shawn Hazan, Jim Tremayne, Robin Hazan, Steve Thorakos, and everyone else who worked tirelessly to make this event a success. Being in existence for 34 years and still having the power to bring so many people together is nothing short of amazing. Your dedication to the DJ community and your commitment to making a difference in the industry is truly inspiring. Thank you for all that you do, and for allowing 2 DJs 1 Mic to be a part of DJX 2024.

Looking Ahead to DJX 2025

As we reflect on our time at DJX 2024, one thing is clear—we’re just getting started. This experience has ignited a fire in us, and we’re already looking ahead to DJX 2025 with excitement and anticipation. We’ve learned so much, made invaluable connections, and been inspired in ways we never imagined.

So, to all our listeners, partners, and fellow DJs—thank you for your support and for being a part of this incredible journey. We’re committed to bringing you even more insights, interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories from the world of DJing. Until next year, keep spinning, keep innovating, and keep reaching for greatness. We’ll see you at DJX 2025!

This blog post captures the highlights of our time at DJX 2024, but it’s only the beginning. The stories, lessons, and experiences we’ve gained are too numerous to fit into one post. Stay tuned for more in-depth coverage, interviews, and insights from this year’s event. We can’t wait to share more with you!