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Join us as we speak live with DJ A-Roc from the Pittsburg DJ Summit! 🎧 This is the first DJ Summit in Pittsburg and it was a major success! 💯 They put a lot of effort and hard work into making this event happen, and they are thrilled to see that it paid off. 🙌 The Pittsburg DJ Summit was a one-of-a-kind event that brought together DJs from all over the city to share their knowledge, skills, and passion for music. 🎶 It was an unforgettable experience where everyone was able to walk away with something valuable that they could build on. 💪 From the moment you walked in, you could feel the energy and excitement in the air. The speakers were top-notch and shared their expertise on everything from mixing techniques to marketing strategies. 🎤 And of course, we had the privilege of having DJ A-Roc as our special guest speaker. 🎉 A-Roc, a renowned DJ and producer, shared his journey in the music industry and gave valuable insights on how to succeed as a DJ. 🚀 He also took the time to answer questions and interact with the audience, making the session even more engaging and informative.

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